Vinegar Tip #2

My shower has built up hard water spots galore because I haven’t wanted to clean with possibly hazardous fumes since I became pregnant.  All of my normal cleaning supplies have been stashed under the sink for months and I’ve been cleaning my shower with shampoo.  No, it doesn’t work.  Yes, I feel silly about it.


BEFORE:  My nasty, hard-water coated shower door.

Lo and Behold, I found a new use for vinegar this weekend while perusing Pinterest.

Mix Dawn soap and 9% cleaning strength vinegar (1:3) in a dish sponge with soap dispenser attached.  While you are taking your shower, scrub down all the glass parts (and tile parts if you are feeling froggy).  Rinse with water.  Squeegee dry when done with shower.

The Dawn and vinegar solution work like a charm.  Yes, it smells like a giant pickle in your shower until you are done and rinse with water.  Don’t be a wiener.


Then again, don’t.

Vinegar Tip #1

Vinegar is my favorite cleaning product, hands down.  It is so very, very cheap and does the job without hazardous chemical involvement.

Vinegar Tip #1:

Are you gross like me and have let build-up accumulate in your faucet spout? All it takes is a plastic bag, a rubber band and some vinegar.  Make this (and pouring toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet) your first steps when cleaning your bathroom so they have time to work while you’re cleaning everything else.

Voila!  Your house is one more step away from being disgusting.